#App Tracking Transparency

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1 month ago
Privacy professionals

Protect Your Privacy by Disabling This App-Tracking Apple iPhone Setting

Apple prioritizes user data privacy through App Tracking Transparency feature. [ more ]
App Developer Magazine
2 months ago

ATT user opt in insights from AppsFlyer| App Developer Magazine

The implementation of Apple's App Tracking Transparency (ATT) has led to increased user opt-in rates, developer adoption of ATT prompts, surge in ad spend on iOS, and significant growth in non-organic app installs. [ more ]
Social Media Today
3 months ago

TikTok Announces New Integration for Apple's SKAdNetwork Campaign Tracking Process

TikTok implements SKAdNetwork for ad tracking
TikTok offers a manual to explain SKAdNetwork [ more ]
5 months ago

In rocky digital advertising landscape, advertisers reconsider direct mail

Digital marketing is facing challenges with the crumbling of third-party cookies and the App Tracking Transparency initiative.
Direct mail is being suggested as a diversification strategy for marketers and advertisers facing rising digital ad costs and data privacy regulation. [ more ]
1 month ago
Privacy professionals

Protect Your Privacy by Disabling This App-Tracking Apple iPhone Setting

Apple prioritizes user data privacy through App Tracking Transparency feature. [ more ]
App Developer Magazine
2 months ago

ATT user opt in insights from AppsFlyer| App Developer Magazine

The implementation of Apple's App Tracking Transparency (ATT) has led to increased user opt-in rates, developer adoption of ATT prompts, surge in ad spend on iOS, and significant growth in non-organic app installs. [ more ]
Social Media Today
3 months ago

TikTok Announces New Integration for Apple's SKAdNetwork Campaign Tracking Process

TikTok implements SKAdNetwork for ad tracking
TikTok offers a manual to explain SKAdNetwork [ more ]
5 months ago

In rocky digital advertising landscape, advertisers reconsider direct mail

Digital marketing is facing challenges with the crumbling of third-party cookies and the App Tracking Transparency initiative.
Direct mail is being suggested as a diversification strategy for marketers and advertisers facing rising digital ad costs and data privacy regulation. [ more ]
7 months ago

Paying For Time In The Mobile Arcade; You Think A Person Wrote This? | AdExchanger

Take-Two CEO lamented the lack of pricing power for video games, suggesting they should be priced by usage.
Game developers were heavily impacted by Apple's App Tracking Transparency (ATT) update.
Facebook has introduced new AI-powered products for image and video generation. [ more ]
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